Asking me what my favorite toilet is is like asking me my favorite tool. My answer is 100% going to be dependent on what I need the tool to do for me. So here are the different things to consider when choosing the right toilet.
Water spot. The size of the reservoir in the toilet bowl. If it he water spot is too small the toilet may be susceptible to staining or skid marks.
Bowl cleaning time. Quite often a powerful flush is traded for a slow more cleanly flush. A flush that washes the side of the bowl. If you want a toilet that has a forceful flush you may get less self cleaning time.
Toilet height. Toilets come in comfort height / ADA and standard height. If you have back or knee problems a comfort height toilet can make a big difference in your life.
Round or Elongated. If you have the room, and a male is likely to be sitting on the toilet an elongated bowl is preferable.
Noise. Low profiel toilets are the quietest toilets available.
Price. The cost of a toilet can range greatly so it is important to read reviews for all toilets.
Distance off the wall. A standard toilet is 12" from the sheetrock to the bolts holding it down. If the bolts are closer to the wall you will need to purchase a 10" rough toilet. If it is farther from the wall you may consider a 14" rough toilet to avoid to large a gap behind the toilet.
We hope this helps you in your toilet buying decision and you will consider Avery & Sons Plumbing + tankless for all your toilet needs.
